Meta Gauge Genesis NFT

  • Meta Gauge Genesis NFT (currently tradable on the secondary market)

  • 3,000 initial Meta Gauge participants receive free minting of Genesis NFTs

  • Foundation holds 300 Genesis NFTs (intended for future use beyond marketing)

  • Benefits for Genesis NFT holders

  • Airdrop of Meta Gauge CCCP-Parts NFTs

  • Airdrop of governance token MGR

  • Priority access to Meta Gauge events and benefits

  • Stay tuned...

Meta Gauge CCCP-Parts NFT

Types of Meta Gauge CCCP-Parts NFT

  • Engine

  • Body

  • Background

  • Wheel

  • Booster

  • Body Kit

  • Spoiler

  • Sticker

Meta Gauge Composable Parts NFT System

Users will receive randomly dropped five different attribute BOXes based on their DApp user data generation and mission grades. They can open the BOXes without consuming RP. Upon opening a BOX, users can obtain Meta Gauge Parts items and have a chance to acquire RP. As the account level increases, users can obtain Meta Boxes with higher rarity. Additionally, users can acquire multiple Meta Boxes at once, but opening multiple Meta Boxes will require consuming RP.

Meta Gauge NFT and Item

  • META BOX: You can immediately open the acquired BOX for free. Depending on the type of box opened, you can obtain ITEM PARTS or RP.

  • ITEM PARTS: Users who open META BOXes have a chance to obtain ITEM PARTS. ITEM PARTS are not NFTs and can be minted into NFT PARTS using RP.

Item Parts Grades
Minting Fee (RP)


600 RP


1500 RP


5,000 RP


20,000 RP


50,000 RP

  • The minting fee is subject to change based on future operational policies.

  • During the 1.0V open beta, an event will be held where minting costs will be reduced in terms of RP rewards compared to the existing policy to stimulate the interest of initial users. Subsequently, there will be an announcement before returning to the minting costs as stated in the whitepaper.

  • NFT Parts: Types of Meta Gauge NFTs. There are a total of 8 PARTS.

Item Parts Grades
NFT Grades


Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Common / Rare / Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Epic / Legendary / Mystic

Body Kit

Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Epic / Legendary / Mystic


Epic / Legendary / Mystic

Meta Gauge NFT CCCP Parts Types


This is an ITEM BOX that you can obtain for free when using the Meta Gauge Dapp.

The types of META BOXES

  • EVENT BOX: Boxes obtainable through external events (NFT acquisition).

  • NFT BOX: Boxes obtainable through special benefits such as NFT auctions or Genesis airdrops (acquisition of Parts Item/free minting/no RP consumption).

  • META BOX: Parts-Item boxes obtainable by achieving DApp missions or achievements (RP or ITEM PARTS).

  • GPS-BOX: Item BOX obtainable through missions.

The probability of obtaining items and RP from META BOX varies

META BOX Types by Grade






Acquiring META BOX by Leveling Up

Users can obtain META BOXES when leveling up to level 60.

The number of META BOXES obtainable at level 60 varies by grade.

  • COMMON : 27

  • REAR : 19

  • EPIK : 14


  • MYSTIC : 1


Attributes of NFT

  • "Generating capacity" represents the power of the NFT engine, indicating the ability to mine more ROD tokens. Higher generating capacity allows users to reach their daily mining limits more quickly, even with shorter distances traveled. This attribute is advantageous for users with shorter daily distances.

  • "Torque" represents the instantaneous speed power of the NFT, indicating the ability to mine more MP tokens. Higher torque allows for more efficient mining of MP tokens. Mining of MGR tokens is possible for NFTs of epic grade or higher.

  • "Fuel efficiency" refers to the ability to reduce the rate at which fuel decreases during RP mining. This attribute helps maintain a certain fuel efficiency ratio relative to output. It is advantageous for users with long daily distances.

  • "Santa" influences all probabilities within the DApp. By increasing the enhancement probability of NFT Parts, it allows users to receive higher-level NFT Parts Airdrops.


NFT PARTS have an NFT LEVEL for each grade. The attributes granted for each grade are randomized.

Users can acquire a total of 8 NFT PARTS components. If all 8 PARTS are Mystic, the NFT LEVEL will be 128.

Last updated